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There’s always a lot to do at the farm! There are many opportunities to serve in a variety of ways for individuals and groups, one-time or an on-going basis.  The farm operates entirely on volunteers and without you, we could not exist! 


Volunteers must be age 18 or older. However, if a youth age 17 or under is interested in volunteering, he or she must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian or be approved as a Youth Volunteer. 





​Volunteer Opportunities

Animal Care

Areas of serving include: Feeding horses and goats, grooming horses, cleaning tack, and general pasture/barn-keeping.


Farm Assistant

Areas of serving include: Welcoming guests, engaging non-session guests in non-animal activities, assisting session leaders as needed, cleaning equipment and general barn-keeping.


Session Leaders

Areas of serving include: Leading Sessions, involvement with Mentor Groups, leading Farm Volunteers, helping with farm chores.



Our mentoring programs are in need of teens and adults who enjoy empowering kids, are fun, encouraging, creative and flexible.   Areas of serving include: playing games, assisting session leaders, taking nature walks, overseeing crafts and projects.



There are many opportunities for individuals who love being behind the scenes and have an eye for details and creativity, such as organizing and communicating with volunteers and donors, processing registration forms, volunteer and participant forms, updating program documents, and preparing newsletters.



​On-Call Team

In addition to scheduled volunteers, we always have a need for folks to help with the general stewardship of the farm. Activities might include: 

- Weed Eating

- Gardening and aesthetic landscaping

- General Barn Keeping (dusting, raking, cleaning, organizing)

- Building projects


If you're interested in helping in any of the above areas, please complete the following Volunteer Application form. 


Volunteer Process


  • Complete and submit the following:​
    - Volunteer Application
    - Liability Waiver


  • Request Letters of Recommendation from at least two of your leaders (Example: Pastor, Supervisor, Teacher, Mentor). Use the link below "Recommendation Request" when contacting references.

  • After the Volunteer Application, Liability Waiver and References have been received, MLF will conduct a background check on all adults.


  • Within one week of submission of above items, email MLF to arrange a time for a Volunteer Visit. This is a time for you to get to know more about our programs, volunteer needs and for us learn more about you and your desire to volunteer at MLF.

  • Complete scheduled training - Individual training as well as group training and shadowing opportunities will be available - come with a teachable spirit and we will help you learn all you desire to! You’ll probably find out that you gain far more than you give. 



Memory Lane Farm, Inc. |  8638 Heritage Drive  |  Marshfield, WI 54449

                    Email: | Tel: 715-897-7187

Memory Lane Farm, Inc. is an IRS 501(C) (3) public charity |  EIN#: 83-2682373
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Copyright © 2024 by Memory Lane Farm, Inc.

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