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Horse Powered Reading


Discover a new, exciting outdoor experience partnered with horses and ponies, learning and practicing literacy skills! Through highly engaging and active outdoor lessons, students strengthen core academic and life skills with their four-legged buddies. Confidence soars as they have adventures in learning while building relationships and strengthening communication skills.


Horse Powered Reading® (HPR) is reading program that provides a great resource combining equine-assisted learning with evidence-based reading strategies that engage the mind, body and emotions in learning. No previous horse experience is needed.  Sessions are tailored to the student's individual reading and writing needs.


HPR helps students acquire skills necessary to overcome struggles in the classroom, by gaining confidence, life skills, problems solving solutions.  Through use of games, props and obstacles, it provides a unique setting for students and horses to become partners.  Students works through obstacles accompanied by the horse, also known as a “reading buddy,” during the sessions.  Due the nature of the program, utilizing movement, horse connection, social emotional learning and academics, students are fully engaged, having fun and they don't realize they are learning!


The HPR program focuses on the following skills:

  • Decoding - building phonics skills and sight word recognition

  • Vocabulary enhancement

  • Fluency development - reading quickly, accurately and with expression

  • Overcome barriers blocking comprehension

  • Practice study skills

  • Comprehend textbooks

  • Learn new, unfamiliar, and multi-syllable words

  • Achieve higher order thinking

  • Use critical and creative thinking

  • Building confidence, persistence, perseverance and patience

  • Learning self-advocacy skills (ask for help, “read” the horse, bonding)


Memory Lane Farm's trained HPR Facilitators provide learners a safe and fun environment, utilizing the wonders of the farm, nature, and connection with horses and other farm animals.

​Small Group Sessions
Geared for youth (grades 1- 6) over 8 weekly sessions. Personalized sessions are formed around individual needs to support personal and classroom learning. Limited spots available per grade level.  
Scholarships may be available by emailing


Memory Lane Farm, Inc. |  8638 Heritage Drive  |  Marshfield, WI 54449

                    Email: | Tel: 715-897-7187

Memory Lane Farm, Inc. is an IRS 501(C) (3) public charity |  EIN#: 83-2682373
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